Friday, September 12, 2008

Thing #1: 23Things

Here it very first post! As a part of my LIS 635 class, which is Reference & Information Services, I'm required to complete "23 Things." This started out as a staff training tool for the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County and has been seen as a great opportunity for library workers and students around the country to participate in.

The concept is for me to discover 23 technological things that will aid me in my work (and personal) life. I'm a pretty technological person to begin with, but there are some activities on this list that I've either loosely played around with or haven't even tried because they seemed too scary. I'm excited that I'm forced to use technology that's little bit outside of my comfort zone. I can't wait to complete each week's activities and see how they can benefit me in my job and in my personal life! As I learn about each new technology I'll report about it here. I'll write about what I did and didn't like, what did and didn't work, and how it relates to my work and personal lives.


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