Monday, September 29, 2008

Thing #6: Play with Flickr 3rd Party Mashups and Applications

For the sixth learning experiment we're supposed to play around with Flickr mashups and third party sites. I had heard the term "mashup" before, but I didn't really know what it meant. When you "mashup", you're taking elements from one website and mash it up with another application. I played around with making a trading card of myself, which you can see to the left. This was pretty neat, and I wish i was feeling more clever so that I could come up with some better descriptors about myself. A couple of weeks ago I randomly went to some library's website and all of the reference staff members had her/his own trading card and they looked really cool - way cooler than the one I made for myself. I thought this was a really neat things for this library to have, and it made them appear hip.
The second things I played around with was spelling my name in Flickr images. You type your name into a box, click create, and your name in other people's Flickr images is shown. It gives you the html code so that you can post it in your blog or on your website, like I've done below:
'Wood 'M' 'Y'

'B' 'Vintage 'R' 'N' 'E'

I got different images back each time I entered my name.
This was a fun exercise. Next I'm going to create a map of all of the places I've been. Interestingly, I've been to every state except for Alaska and Hawaii...

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