Monday, October 20, 2008

TattooedLibrarian's Delicious Bookmarks

For the past week I've been playing around with getting my Delicious bookmarks to automatically upload to my blog each day, to no avail. There's an area in Delicious where you can do this, but it's asking for XML-RCP code - and I don't know what that is. I searched the Help files and thought I had it...nope.

Next I searched the gadgets in Blogger to see what I could add directly to my blog page. So, you will now see a very lame box with my most recent Delicious bookmarks. There were all sorts of gadgets for Delicious you could add, but none of them would work. This is the only one that would.

I'm going to keep searching for something better. If you have any ideas for me, let me know! In the meantime, if you'd like to check out my Delicious bookmarks, I'm TattooedLibrarian. You can also click on the title of this post to get to my bookmarks.

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